Saturday, December 11, 2010


When I was little I use to look up to you, despite the fact that looking back you would hit me when I did something wrong... Awesome! Not only do you not care enough to be in our lives but you plan to move out for a year and to be honest, neither of us think that you'll be coming back. I must spend another weekend alone because my want to socialize will never cross your mind. This Christmas, the only decorations we will be having are the ones I kept in my room from last year... Not to mention that you will be working Christmas Eve and day. Which brings me to the subject of work. I know you chose that job deliberately so I couldn't go anywhere on the weekends. Do you WANT me to suffer? Do you ENJOY my pain? The only person that cares, or ever will care, is my little brother! He just came in because he thought I was sad and cheered me up. This is one of the most sensative guys out there filled with so much love but whenever he says "I love you" he never gets a reply. He use to say it every day until finally giving up hope. He use to make every person entering his life happy and that's slowly starting to fade... I know you put me through that but why must you put him through it as well... We both faught you when you called yourself a parent to your friend. NEVER will you earn the right to call yourself such. Never...