Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I have the most elaborate and longest dreams out of any person I have ever met. They tell of beauty, challanges to overcome, battles, love, and family I long for. Each and every day I have the most amazing dreams to ever have. Nothing could make me happier than living in these long tales that in fact could never be true. For many hours, I live in these that fofil my brain with nothing but pure contentment. Then I awaken. Once that alarm goes off, I remember that I really live in a world where I don't know where to go at points. A world of pain, loneliness, a start of depression, nobody to be excited to see or talk to at the end of each excrusiating week, but only someone to see daily and get hugs from and a friend to call every few days after Ive already had to set aside my problems for the feelingsto collect until they burst. A life where I come home and my mother stresses me out so much I just try to avoid all contact, but that's impossible seeing as how she just barges right in.. I can not take this stress and empty emotion! So until then, find me in my dreams.

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