Monday, August 30, 2010


Put hope into someone and they'll take it for grantite. Put sadness into someone and they'll try their best to make you happy once more. Why the hell can't these ever work togeather!? You talk about others being blind but you don't even realise that you can't see what's happening yourself! Blindness is an illness among us all, it really is. "I still think this will last, even after I turn 18." Open your eyes!!! There's a high possibility that I will be gone! My mom sees it, your mom sees it, I see it! Why can't you? All your mom ever does now is remind you 5-6 times a day that she loves me and wants you to keep me here. She worries, not about the fact that she thinks you'd lose feeling but that I'd get taken away. What will it take for you to realise that? You're so concited that you think this all depends on you, well for once it doesn't. I'm on the verge of leaving and you think I'm still going to be around so you put me off for now to hang out with other people. Day by day I'm losing it all and realising that there's a high chance it won't work out but all you do is sit there thinking that I will be there once you're done with your fun. Well I hate to break it to ya pall but I'm probably not going to be.

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